Historical Articles

November, 1952 issue of Plating


“For the Advancement of the Science of Electroplating”

UNDOUBTEDLY THE GREATEST service the American Electroplaters’ Society renders the membership is the dissemination of technical information at the annual convention and in the Proceedings which follow, at the branch meetings, and in PLATING. The appetite of the membership for new knowledge of plating and related fields continues to be keen and it is only through the membership itself that this craving may be satisfied, for it is this group which provides the majority of the papers published.

Presently, and until January 15, 1953, papers are being solicited for the Philadelphia Convention by the Editorial Board which will carefully review all those submitted and assist in every way possible to make each paper an outstanding one. The fact that the Board stands ready to help will be of interest to new authors of papers for PLATING as well as to speakers preparing for the 1953 Convention. Younger members of the Society in particular are reminded that the door is not closed, nor have the Educational Sessions been finally set as yet. The seasoned campaigners along with newcomers to the field, both young and old, are urged to take up their pens and in submitting manuscripts do their bit “for the advancement of the science of electroplating.”

Don Foulke



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