Ask the Expert Question-and-Answer Archive
(Hard Chrome Plating)

by Randy Taylor, Advanced Tooling Corporation.
October, 2008

Chrome Plating Solution Analysis

Q. We are reconditioning marine vessel spare parts and we normally send our sample chrome plating solution to a contractor for analysis. We are now planning to have our onsite testing of solution samples. The instruments used for analysis such as AA and LC are quite expensive. My boss is asking if its possible to get all component concentrations (chromic acid, sulfuric acid, trivalent chromium and iron)using manual process e.g. titration, etc. If so,can you help me with the process? Where will I start? What are the needed reagents and apparatus? Steps? Please do help me ... Thank you

A. I would recommend contacting Kocour in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Kocour has been a reliable supplier of chrome solution test equipment for many years. I've used some of their products and they are among the best.

For a reasonable cost, you should be able to easily set up a small lab for checking Cr+6, sulfate and trivalent in house.

Analyzing for trace metal elements in the chrome bath, i.e., iron, copper, requires more elaborate equipment and time consuming testing, you may be better off continuing to use the outside lab for this purpose.

Randy Taylor





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